Got all my ingredients ready to go! Check em out...
Miracle Noodles, frozen crabs, bok choy, sprouts, sea weed sprinkles, basil, 1box (and a half of another for more liquid ) of vegetable broth, shrimp, chili pepper, miso paste, onion tops, red peppers, and organic soft tofu.
For color I'm adding peppers, too! |
First, boil noodles and dry them. |
Second, simmer 2 cups of vegetable broth and 1 tablespoons of Miso paste and a small amount of chili pepper tubed sauce.(no more than that, crabs soak up the juices.) When Miso paste is dissolved, add red peppers. HAVE YOUR SEAFOOD READY! |
Now add vegetables, miracle noodles, and frozen crabs. Simmer that. Add shrimp and seaweed at the end. Simmer until crabs are red. Yummy! Completely delicious with basil, sprouts, and saké!! |