There are tsunami warnings across the Pacific region. Thousands have perished and many are missing. This is a huge disaster. At the same time, gas prices are rising and consumers are still spending! These are the many headlines today. In reference to the tsunami, people in California are just hanging out on the beaches drinking coffee, awaiting the tsunami. What?! That's a great idea. Things are getting worse in the world, let's minimize things by making childish decisions and have a tea party on the beach. No, thanks. Most of the info I am elaborating on is from the news.
I came across a video of a "hillbilly version" of what's going on in the world and what is yet to come....
In China, during the earthquake, buildings were swaying. People were hiding under desks in fear! There were fires and floods. Tsunami waves washed ashore in Hawaii, but the haven appeared to have avoided any major damage. Now, we just have to hope for the best with the California coast. China got approximately a 10 minute warning before the disaster. The scene reminded me of the disaster in New Orleans. The only difference is that the water and houses were moving faster and there were waves of everything! I feel just awful because I would love to be able to help them all out some kind of way. One thing is certain, they may want to decide to cancel raising taxes in that area, like they were considering. Looks like they are going to need all the help they can get, especially from others. Here a video that I found online...
Here is raw footage! Water just tears through the town! When I watch this video it makes me feel like I am right there witnessing the destruction! Amazing footage! See for yourself.
Well, you can see there is disaster here and a coming!
I couldn't resist adding this horrifying cry for help after the aftermath. This is unbelievable! Where is the help? This is so sad.
This really does break my heart to see this happening right in front of me and no one is helping!