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Friday, January 31, 2020


I finally made the decision to go vegan! I went shopping and purchased a few items for my journey. I'll be sure to review my items here. I have other purchased items not in the picture. I can't wait to try the false eggs and mayo. Thanks for joining me here and taking the journey with me! ;)

Morning: grits with smart balance margarine.

This is what I made for lunch. White beans over brown rice. Sauteed onions and peppers, next smothered beans down with blended tomatoes and broth.

My favorite snacks: Olives and Chex Mix


For dinner: leftovers with corn

This yogurt tastes like lemon cocoa coconut. Nope. Next.

I got a little head foggy, so I had some walnuts and olives, before bedtime. Helped.

Day 2: 

Had raisin bran for breakfast with almond milk.

Burgers were delicious! 

 Bought some new stuff:


Best strawberry dessert ever!!!! Remember, chocolate coconut sucks.